Recovery Housing Program

To help combat the record numbers of overdoses and deaths from substance abuse, MaineHousing is making up to $1,705,193 of Recovery Housing Program (RHP) funds available under this RFP for qualified developers to produce, preserve and/or rehabilitate transitional rental housing for households in recovery from a substance use disorder who are low- or moderate-income.    

Recovery Housing Program (RHP) - HUD Exchange


Eligible applicants are:

  • Not-for-profit organizations; and
  • Indian Tribes.

RHP eligible activities are:

  • Acquisition and/or rehabilitation of existing rental housing units,
  • Adaptive re-use of existing buildings for rental housing, and
  • New construction of rental housing units.

RHP-funding is for transitional housing to cover a period of not more than 24 months or until the individual secures permanent housing, whichever is earlier. All RHP-funded units must serve households with low- or moderate-income (80% or less of Area Median Income) for a minimum of 15 years.



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(800) 452-4668 | (207) 626-4600
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