Housing Development Toolkit
10/03/2016 - The White House released the “Housing Development Toolkit” which highlights actions state and local jurisdictions can take to encourage housing development. The white paper, released on September 26, argues that restrictive zoning contributes to high rents, exacerbates wealth inequality, and slows the U.S. economy.
Local Housing Solutions
LocalHousingSolutions.org provides resources to help cities, towns and counties develop comprehensive and balanced local housing strategies that enhance affordability, protect low-income residents from displacement, and foster inclusive neighborhoods. The non-partisan site was developed through the National Community of Practice (CoP) on Local Housing Policy, a project of the NYU Furman Center and Abt Associates.
Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University
The Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies helps leaders in government, business, and the civic sectors make decisions that effectively address the need of cities and communities.
Opportunity 360
Opportunity 360 is a comprehensive approach to understanding and addressing community challenges by identifying pathways to greater opportunities using cross-sector data, community engagement and measurement tools. With this insight, partners in community development will be better positioned to make smart investments and create collaborative solutions that transform communities across the country.
Urban Institute
The Urban Institute is the trusted source for unbiased, authoritative insights that inform consequential choices about the well-being of people and places in the United States. They have two policy centers that focus on housing, Housing Finance Policy Center and Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center.
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