General Fair Housing Information
Federal and state laws give you a right to fair housing. This means you have the right to be free from discrimination in the sale, rental, advertising or financing of housing. According to fair housing laws, you cannot be discriminated against because of race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, disability, familial status, or receipt of public assistance.
Discrimination means any action, omission or decision that results in restricting your choice of housing and access to housing assistance.
Disability Rights
Federal and state laws provide certain rights and protections for people with disabilities, including people with mental and physical disabilities. This means you cannot be discriminated against because of your disability. The laws also require housing providers to make reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities in policies, procedures and programs. The laws also require housing providers to allow people with disabilities to make reasonable changes so they can fully enjoy their housing and related facilities. The laws also require multifamily housing to be designed and constructed to comply with certain accessibility standards.
Limited English Proficiency
Federal law requires organizations that get federal funds to make reasonable efforts to give translation help to people who do not speak or read English well. This helps make sure people who don’t speak or read English well can get what they need from programs and services. This is for people who do not speak English as their primary language. It also is for people who do not speak, read, write or understand English well.
To File a Complaint
Advocacy Groups and Legal Resources
Fair Housing Training for Partners
MaineHousing is offering a free Understanding of Fair Housing training program. This program is on demand and self-paced. It is available through our online learning portal.
Training Registration
MaineHousing Nondiscrimination Policy
MaineHousing does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, age, familial status or receipt of public assistance in the admission or access to or treatment in its programs and activities. In employment, MaineHousing does not discriminate on the
basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, national origin, ancestry, age, physical or mental disability or genetic information. MaineHousing will provide appropriate communication auxiliary aids and services upon sufficient notice. MaineHousing will also provide this document in alternative formats upon sufficient notice. MaineHousing has designated the following person responsible for coordinating compliance with applicable federal and state nondiscrimination requirements and addressing grievances: Lauren Bustard, Maine State Housing Authority, 26 Edison Drive, Augusta, Maine 04330-4633, Telephone Number 1-800-452-4668 (voice in state only), (207) 626-4600 (voice) or Maine Relay 711.
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