MaineHousing’s Well Water Abatement Program provides grants to eligible single-family homeowners or landlords for dwellings with four rental units or less with private well water that shows evidence of high levels of contamination. Abatement is important to provide clean drinking water to lower-income household, especially those with children under 7 years of age or pregnant women who live or spend a considerable amount of time in the house.
Homeowner Eligibility:
Single-family homeowners whose income is at or below 120 percent of area median income (AMI) and whose private well water was tested within the last 12 months and indicates evidence of contaminants as determined by the Maine Centers for Disease Control. The house must be the primary residence and the applicant will need to show evidence of homeownership.
Applicants wishing to qualify for assistance may not have “liquid assets” in excess of $5,000. Applicants 60 years or older however, may have “liquid assets” up to a maximum of $50,000. Also, the Applicant may not have real estate in excess of that considered necessary and appropriate for their primary residence and the lot it occupies. See Asset Requirements.
Landlord Eligibility:
Landlords whose income is at or below 120 percent of area median income (AMI) and whose private well water was tested within the last 12 months and indicates evidence of contaminants as determined by the Maine Centers for Disease Control. Eligible dwellings must have four units or less to qualify.
Eligible Uses:
Grant disbursement will go directly to the vendor upon satisfactory completion and/or installation of remediation systems at the point of access to water or the point of water use.
Interested homeowners or landlords must complete an application and submit it and supporting documents to MaineHousing for processing. Upon completion of review and determination of eligible applicants, MaineHousing will contact a water purification vendor with applicant’s information. Vendors will visit eligible homeowners, determine the best remediation option, and send recommendations to MaineHousing for review and approval.
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