HUD Multifamily Family Self-Sufficiency Program

Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) is a HUD program that enables HUD-assisted families to increase their earned income and reduce their dependency on welfare assistance and rental subsidies. FSS promotes local strategies to connect HUD-assisted families with public and private resources that help them progress toward economic independence.

Owners of privately-owned HUD-assisted Project-Based Rental Assistance (PBRA, also known as Multifamily) housing with Section 8 contracts can voluntarily establish and operate an FSS program at their housing sites. Participation in the FSS program is voluntary for families living in these properties.



Owners of privately-owned HUD-assisted Project-Based Rental Assistance (PBRA, also known as Multifamily) housing with Section 8 contracts can voluntarily establish and operate an FSS program at their housing sites. Participation in the FSS program is voluntary for families living in these properties.

The Family Self-Sufficiency program helps assisted housing residents increase their earnings and build financial assets. The program has two key features: 

  • A financial incentive for residents to increase their earnings in the form of an escrow account that increases as residents’ earnings increase. The escrow account helps residents build savings that they can use to improve their quality of life and advance their personal goals.
  • Case management or coaching to help residents access services they may need to overcome barriers to employment, strengthen their financial capability, and address other challenges holding them back from achieving their goals.


Contact Information

For more information on the program contact:

Michelle Duplissis, Asset Manager

Email Me

(207) 626-4686


HUD has a great website to help navigate through the process of establishing a Multifamily FSS Program. Please visit the following links:
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