The Maine State Housing Authority (MaineHousing) has prepared a report of its Federal FY2024 State of Maine Recovery Housing Program Activities covering the period of October 1, 2023 through September 20, 2024.
The report describes progress implementing the Recovery Housing Program. This program receives approximately $1 million in annual allocation.
The Annual Performance Report describes progress implementing the Recovery Housing Program and summarizes program delivery and population served.
The report is available on the Internet at or from this link.
MaineHousing is accepting public comment on the Recovery Housing Program Annual Report. Comments must be made in writing to the address or email listed below and must be received by MaineHousing no later than 5pm on December 5, 2024.
Compliance Officer II
Maine State Housing Authority
26 Edison Drive Augusta, ME 04330-6046
Telephone: 207-626-4600 1-800-452-4668
Maine Relay 711[email protected]
Upon sufficient notice, appropriate communication auxiliary aids and services will be provided. To make your preferences known, please contact Lauren Bustard, MaineHousing’s Equal Access Coordinator at MaineHousing, 26 Edison Drive, Augusta, ME 04330-6046; Tel: 207-626-4600 or 1-800-452-4668 (voice); Maine Relay 711.
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