Released: Apr 12, 2024
AUGUSTA – MaineHousing and its partner Nesterly are pleased to announce the launch of an exciting new pilot program that aims to help match people who may have extra space in their homes with eligible and pre-screened housemates.
Among others, this collaborative effort, Maine’s first home-sharing program, is being spearheaded by Nesterly and supported by several entities, including MaineHousing, AARP Maine, the Maine Council on Aging, and the Governor’s Cabinet on Aging.
“MaineHousing is pleased to help launch this pilot and is optimistic it will help improve housing opportunities in parts of Maine that are facing some of our most acute housing shortages,” said MaineHousing Director Daniel Brennan. “What we need now is for anybody who has ever thought about renting a room in their home to take a look at the options this pilot platform has to offer.”
Mainers with extra space in their homes who are interested in renting some of it to a housemate can learn more about how to sign up as a host at:
A link to the pilot program can also be found on MaineHousing’s home page at
This pilot program is the result of legislation passed last year in Maine. An Act to Support Home Share Programming for Seniors (LD 709) directed MaineHousing to set the program up with an online partner. Sponsored by state Representative Maggie O’Neil, the bill was the idea of Age Friendly Saco.
“Homeshare is a simple concept: it brings together two or more people to share housing,” O’Neil said when she presented the bill to the Legislature.
“Homeowners or renters with excess space are matched with people in need of an affordable place to live," O'Neil said. "Each person has their own private space and shares common areas of the home. Parties make arrangements that meet their needs for example, a tenant may pay reduced rent in exchange for helping the home provider with household tasks or errands.”
Through the Nesterly platform, eligible hosts are matched to renters after a careful screening process that is meant to ensure a safe, comfortable and productive living arrangements for all participants.
This pilot program is expected to be available in several Maine locations across the state for those seeking housing starting in June, but the ultimate success of the program will depend on having enough available hosts sign up to participate.
Nesterly has a track record of launching successful home-sharing programs in several other places including for the Greater Boston area and Columbus, Ohio.
"We are thrilled to partner with the forward-thinking team at MaineHousing to provide a safe and easy way for residents to gain additional monthly income, receive help around the house and connect with individuals often from another generation," said Nesterly Founder and CEO Noelle Marcus. "With over 100,000 older adult households in Maine burdened by housing costs, we know this program can have a meaningful impact for communities across the state."
While the home-sharing pilot’s primary purpose is to help solve for a part of Maine’s affordable housing challenges, it is also expected to help improve the quality of life for hosts and renters alike.
“All over Maine, too many older folks are living alone in large family homes that are expensive to heat and hard to maintain,” said Maine Council on Aging Executive Director Jess Maurer. “Meanwhile, younger folks are looking for housing, and our building efforts can’t keep pace. Home-sharing is an important part of the solution to our current housing shortage, and it creates a win-win for everyone involved.”
AARP Maine State Director Noël Bonam highlighted that, beyond the financial benefits of home sharing, health and well-being can also be improved with a good match in roommates.
“This multi-stakeholder effort is poised to make a huge difference in the lives of both older homeowners and home seekers of all ages,” Bonam said. “We know that social isolation is a very serious issue among older adults across the state, and this innovative program offers older adults the opportunity to make a little bit of extra income while addressing social isolation.”
For more information about Nesterly contact
Noelle Marcus | [email protected] | (917) 609- 5730
For more information about MaineHousing contact
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