Thank you for your interest in reaching Mainers and making them aware of www.nesterly.com, the trusted housing marketplace to find quality guests, forge connections, alleviate financial burdens, and enrich their lives.

In today’s media landscape, we rely more than ever on partners to broadcast the benefits of home-sharing to their respective communities. You can help by emailing your friends, colleagues, and communities to invite them to learn more about Nesterly either through email or a social post on your personal and corporate social media pages – Nextdoor, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Stories, Reels, Slack, TikTok, and whatever else you are using to communicate this year.

We want to make it easy for you to help us! Below are suggestions for communicating, including sample messaging about Nesterly and links to media, images, and videos for you to use. In addition, pages 5-7 have some campaign ideas for you to consider replicating. 

Below you’ll find: Digital Toolkit, Campaign Ideas, and Digital Assets


The Nesterly Boilerplate to use in any longer form communication:

Nesterly is an award-winning social enterprise dedicated to building intergenerational connections and increasing access to affordable housing through homesharing. It leverages technology to make it safe and convenient for households to rent a spare room to a student, social worker, volunteer, and other renters interested in lower cost, longer term living options. The homesharing platform helps housemates connect over common interests and facilitates the ability to exchange a portion of rental payments for help with grocery shopping, dog walking, yard work, tech support, and more. Nesterly works with local municipalities and organizations to realize its vision of creating a more affordable and interconnected world, one home at a time. 

Nesterly has won over a dozen awards and has been featured in The New York Times, The Economist, Fast Company, The Atlantic, Forbes, and NPR's Marketplace as well as news outlets in Spain, France, China, Argentina, Mexico, and Japan. To learn more about Nesterly, visit Nesterly.com

Relevant Links get people to the right place. Some helpful ones include:

Our home page -- www.nesterly.com  
Learn more about hosting -- www.nesterly.com/host/ 
Sign up to become a host -- https://app.nesterly.com/signup 

Social Media spreads the word. Here are our accounts so you can tag us in your posts:

Nesterly Facebook -- https://www.facebook.com/nesterlyhome 
Nesterly Instagram --  https://www.instagram.com/nesterly/ 
Nesterly Twitter -- https://twitter.com/nesterly 

Use hashtags to help boost social media engagement.  Think of hashtags as a way to connect social media content to a specific topic, event, theme or conversation. They also make it easier to discover posts around those specific topics, because hashtags aggregate all social media content with that same hashtag.  Here are some hashtags to consider along with those relevant to your community or organization or campaigns:



Sample Language to get your creative juices flowing. These can be used on social media (be sure to tag us!) or as subject lines and headers in your emails and newsletters:

  • Have a room? Learn how you can increase your income with Nesterly.
  • Use Nesterly to find a trustworthy roommate who pays on time and even helps around the house. Learn more about safe homesharing.
  • Nesterly helps unlock the time and freedom you want in retirement. Learn more about safe homesharing.
  • Nesterly helps homeowners create regular sources of income through safe, trusted, long-term home-sharing. Learn more.
  • With Nesterly you can find a trustworthy roommate who pays on time and even helps around the house. Learn more
  • Nesterly gives homeowners a new way to repurpose their spare room. Check it out, here: www.nesterly.com #IntergenerationalHome
  • Intergenerational homesharing is an innovative solution to housing challenges in YOUR CITY. See how you can get involved! www.nesterly.com #Nesterly
  • Nesterly is a safe and easy service that helps you benefit from the extra space in your home while building intergenerational friendships.  Sign up today: www.nesterly.com/host #IntergenerationalHome
  • Join Nesterly and turn your spare room into monthly income. Get started for free today: www.nesterly.com/host 
  • Nesterly’s mission is to build a more interconnected and affordable world one home at a time. See how you can get involved: www.nesterly.com/host #IntergenerationalHome.
  • Make a difference in a young person’s life while enriching your own. Nesterly is a win-win #homesharing solution. Find out more: www.nesterly.com #Nesterly #IntergenerationalHome

Campaign Idea #1: Send an email or include us in a newsletter to introduce Nesterly and share some material with your community. You could either include information about us in a regular newsletter or a direct email, which could read something like this:

Subject: Introducing Nesterly ~ rent to a trusted roommate.

We recently learned about Nesterly, the trusted housing marketplace for households and homeowners to find quality guests, forge connections, alleviate financial burdens, and enrich their lives.

Renting your spare room to a guest you trust and like can be a wonderful way to {INSERT  SOMETHING RELATED TO YOUR ORGANIZATION’S PRIMARY MISSION: have warm conversations over coffee / make some additional income in retirement / help out someone in need of affordable housing / mentor a student or someone starting out in their career / get help around the house / stay active in retirement / lower health risks associated with living alone / etc. } 

Learn more at www.nesterly.com/host

Campaign Idea #2: Post to your social media channels (Facebook, X, LinkedIn, etc) about the opportunity to become a Nesterly host and what that can mean for homeowners and households. Remember, people generally will need to see the information about this new website at least 7 times before registering.  So plan a few posts on your page over the course of a month.


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