MaineHousing offers several programs to encourage private development of affordable rental housing or homeownership opportunities for families, seniors and persons with special needs. Low income housing tax credits, development loans, direct development subsidies, affordable housing tax increment financing, and options to restructure debt are available. Developers are required to ensure that housing developed with MaineHousing financing remains affordable.

$13.2 mill Awarded

Mainehousing Awards $13.2 Million For Affordable Housing in Kittery, Farmington, And Bangor for three developments that are aimed at helping individuals and families experiencing homelessness in Maine.

Recovery Housing Program

Funds available to produce, preserve and/or rehabilitate transitional rental housing for households in recovery from a substance use disorder who are low- or moderate-income.


Wedgewood House

On August 25th Gov. Janet Mills, and U.S. Sens. Susan Collins and Angus King were on hand for a ground breaking ceremony in Lewiston at Wedgewood House. All heralded the project as the first step in a multi-year effort to revamp the area.


Open Programs


Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program
The Low Income Housing Tax Credits are a federal resource that MaineHousing allocates in Maine. The credits are allocated to developers, who sell (syndicate) them to corporate investors. Money raised from the sale is used as equity in the developer’s rental housing project. **The 4% Tax Credit Walk-In Funding Program Using Project Labor Agreements is now oversubscribed and no longer accepting new applications**


Rental Loan Program
The Rental Loan Program (RLP) provides long-term mortgage financing at attractive interest rates for development of affordable rental housing. The RLP may be used for acquisition, acquisition and rehab, or new construction of apartment buildings of five or more units; developers must reserve a portion of the units for lower income renters.


Rural Affordable Rental Housing Program
The Rural Affordable Rental Housing Program was created to provide economic equity to rural areas of Maine, which are often left out of the Low Income Housing Tax Credit program as the size, scale and lack of investor interest makes them all but unworkable. The Program will provide subsidy in the form of zero interest forgivable loans as well as paying debt for the acquisition and substantial rehabilitation or construction of any units developed under the Program.  


Affordable Homeownership Program
In an ongoing effort to increase the supply of moderately-priced homes available to Mainers, the State of Maine is making $10 million, from the American Rescue Plan Act, available to facilitate the development of subdivisions with affordable single family homes.  The Affordable Homeownership Program is intended to help lower the costs to developers building single-family subdivisions by providing zero percent interest, forgivable loans.


Affordable Housing Initiative for Maine Islands
MaineHousing is making funding available to finance the creation or substantial rehabilitation of affordable multi-family rental housing units located on Maine’s island communities. Rental housing units must remain as rental housing for a minimum of 45 years and must be leased to full-time island residents as their primary residence.


Recovery Housing Program
To help combat the record numbers of overdoses and deaths from substance abuse, MaineHousing is making up to $1,705,193 of 2021-2022 Recovery Housing Program (RHP) funds available under this RFP for qualified developers to produce, preserve and/or rehabilitate transitional rental housing for households in recovery from a substance use disorder who are low- or moderate-income.


Supportive Housing Program
The Supportive Housing Program provides developers funding for the creation of housing for persons with specific housing needs at 30% of AMI or less.  Funding sources may include the National Housing Trust Fund as well as other federal and state resources.


Short Term Real Estate Acquisition Program
The Short Term Real Estate Acquisition Program (STREAP) provides flexible, short-term capital that allows partners to take advantage of an opportunity to acquire real estate quickly. Funds may be used for real estate acquisition and associated closing costs. The ultimate goal must be to preserve or create new affordable housing.

Programs For Existing Properties


Loan Modification Program
The Loan Modification Program offers owners of MaineHousing financed multi-family properties the opportunity to restructure MaineHousing debt by modifying interest rates, extending loan terms, or both. Loan modifications generally lower debt service payments in return for extended project affordability.


Contract Administration Loan Program
The MaineHousing Contract Administration Loan Program ensures the preservation of affordability by permitting eligible owners of Section 8 properties with a project-based Housing Assistance Payments contract.


Affordable Housing Tax Increment Financing Program
The Affordable Housing Tax Increment Financing (AHTIF) Program enables communities to dedicate the incremental tax revenues from new affordable housing development to help make the housing affordable or to pay for related costs.


Subsequent Loan Program
The Subsequent Loan Program provides additional financing to owners of existing MaineHousing financed properties for such things as unanticipated operating shortfalls, capital improvements and creation of new units.


Supportive Housing & Emergency Shelter Repair Program
After years of service, some properties face needs that require immediate attention, but lack adequate reserves to address the necessary repairs. As a result, MaineHousing offers the Supportive Housing & Emergency Shelter Repair Program which provides 5 year forgivable loans to address repairs that will ensure properties are able to continue to provide decent, safe, sanitary housing to Maine’s most vulnerable citizens. 

Closed Programs


HOME-ARP Program
Section 3205 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (P.L. 117-2) established HOME-ARP to provide funding for assisting people experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, homelessness. MaineHousing is making up to $13.3 million of HOME-ARP funds available under this RFP for qualified developers.  ** 2022 Home ARP program is closed to all applications**

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